
Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

The organization is a container that houses a collection of people with the same vision and mission towards a common goal. Organizations have a structure for the division of labor and labor relations ordinance making it easier for each holder of a position to carry out their duties. In an organization, there must be: component, cooperation, goals, objectives, attachment format and rules that must be obeyed, delegation of authority and coordination tasks.
According to experts there is some understanding of the organization as follows:
· Stoner said that the organization is a pattern of relationships through which people under the direction of superiors pursue common goals
· James D. Mooney argued that any form of union organization is the human being to achieve a common goal.
· Chester I. Bernard believes that the organization is a system of cooperation activities carried out by two or more persons.

The characteristics of the organization:

· The existence and sasarn same purpose in an organization.
· The existence of positions such as chairman, vice, and members in an organization.
· A division of tasks or collaboration in accordance with the position.
• Have the rules that must be adhered to by all members of the organization.
· The presence of the delegation of authority and coordination of organizational tasks.

The elements of the organization

Man (human) it is intended that man as personnel of the organization that will run the organization because without humans, the organization will not be formed. From a group of organizations can be divided redeployed be as follows: Leaders, Managers, and Workers. Leaders responsible for managing and making plans so terselegaranya a fission and mission of their organizations and groups as the primary supervisor of an organization. The manager on duty to regulate and supervise to achieve the goals of an organization and give directives to his subordinates. Workers in charge of running the plan or the task has been given of a leader.

Cooperation here is a way to go hand in hand and help each other so that the common goal could be achieved. Because a lack of cooperation between members of an organization then the organization will not be able to walk.

Objectives describe what will be achieved or expected. The aim is the end point of what should be done. Interest also describes what must be achieved through procedures, programs, patterns (network).

Equipment (Equipment)
The fourth element is the equipment or equipment that consists of all means, in the form of materials, money, and other capital goods to support the program that created or implemented because of the absence of the elements of the program the organization will not be able to walk.

Environment (Environment)
Environmental factors, for example the social, cultural, economic, and technological. wisdom (policy), strategy, budget (budgeting), and regulations (regulation) has been determined.

organizational theory
Theory is an sususn formulation in a systematic, logical, and organized about a phenomenon. Systematic means regularly while the meaning of the system is a method or methods that teratu to do something. Logical means the formulation was designed based on a rational thought.

Classical Organization Theory
Classical organization theory called the theory of traditional organizations. Classical theories arise as a result of the effort which is taken to improve the efficiency and evektifitas menentukanprinsip organization with principles that can be used as a guideline. The first is the principle of principles requires the establishment of clear objectives. With a clear goal-setting organization would move toward the targets.
The second is perinsip unity perinsip command. With the unity of command so the subordinates will be more clear from whom they received the command, instruction, and guidance. The third perinsip is perinsip balance. In the organization use the principles or techniques must be balanced with memperhatika overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in the face of organizational objectives. Classical theory developed in the third stream that is built on the same assumptions and has the same effect, namely: the theory of bureaucracy, administrative theory and the theory of scientific management.

Neoclassical Organization Theory
Neoclassical theory known as the theory of human relationships and developed on the basis of classical theory. Basic assumption of this theory is stressing the importance of psychological and social aspects of the employees as individuals and as part of its working groups, as a group of people with common goals. Experiments in Howthrone conducted from 1924 sanmpai 1932 marked the beginning of the development of the theory of this relationship is the crystallization theory manusiawi.Percobaan neokalsik.Penemuan Howthrone has added a new dimension to the theory organisasi.Dan ultimately Howthrone experiments show how the activities of working groups very cohesive effect on the operations of the organization.

Modern Organization Theory
One of the major streams in the modern organization theory is a theory, which is sometimes referred to as system analysis. Modern theory is multidisciplinary with contributions from various disciplines of knowledge. Modern theories see that all elements of the organization as a whole and interdependence, in which argued that the organization is not a closed system that is associated with a stable environment, but the organization is an open system. Dynamic interaction between processes, parts and functions within an organization, as well as with other organizations and with the environment.
An organization is a process that is composed of individuals interact for different purposes. Approaches Modern stated that they had when this is not the theory of organization but a way of thinking or way of thinking about the organization, how to view and analyze in a more precise and profound, which is done through the order or regularity of organizational behavior, which only applies to an environment or conditions certain.
source: vania

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