
Jumat, 27 Oktober 2023

Come on, read, this is Islam, which is beautiful

Praise be to Allah, Rabb of the worlds. It is to Him that all creatures rely and complain, from scattered hopes, from weakness of strength, from inability to do business, and from stupidity of soul and body. It is from Him that natural harmony is combined, so that love and affection spreads serenely, then intimacy is born even though it is framed by a diversity that is never one.

Shalawat and greetings may continue to be poured out on the lord of all the worlds, Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam , the final prophet of the treatise, for which he was sent to spread love throughout the world. So it is beautiful that his words are full of harmony. His actions are full of sustainability. His orders are full of sincerity.

He fulfills his prohibitions with complete sincerity. So it's really beautiful. His words and actions never contradict each other. Even the commands and prohibitions never contradict each other. So Islam is a beautiful religion that teaches compassion, revealed by the Almighty and Compassionate Essence, revealed through angels who are full of love and affection, and conveyed to spread to all the worlds by a prophet who is full of love and compassion. What a beautiful religion that is guided by the Most Beautiful Essence who loves beauty.

Therefore, Islam is present in the middle of the community not to fetter. It is present to beautify the order. What is broken, he fixes. What's wrong, it fixes. The crooked, he straightens. What's bad, it's good. The stupid, it smarts. The good, it teaches. The destructive, it prohibits and so on. Islam is present for the sake of love for all nature.

So it is natural, if the person carrying the message is full of love and affection for his community. Because, it is a mirror that reflects the crookedness of their behavior. Because, it is a guiding lamp for the darkness of their hearts. Because, it is the moderator who directs the turmoil of their souls. And because he is qudwatun hasanah , the role model and role model for their lives.

It's beautiful indeed. He, who is written to guide his people for a better life, in this world and the hereafter, is truly a perfect example in every aspect of his life. So it is harmony that he teaches. So it is the tenderness that he transmits. So it is justice that he spreads. So it is the glory of life that he offers. So it was rahmatan lil alamin that he concluded, in the midst of the ummah.

And it's really beautiful, it turns out it's really a blessing from nature . His teachings are full of wisdom. His advice never left a sore mark in the chest. His suggestions always recapitulate the fervent spirit. His advice was always right on target, and without the slightest hint of angering the owner. Justice in speech and honesty in behavior are the guidelines.
So look at the people around him. No one was ever disappointed. No one has ever been offended. All he fulfills his rights. There is no distinction. Not even privilege. Except for the things that have been outlined, namely piety. So the nobles are not flattered in front of him. Ordinary people are not marginalized in the assembly. All the same. Even rich and poor, there is no difference. Each of them fulfilled their rights, with appropriate and appropriate treatment.

The Prophet is full of love for everyone. But, to women he is gentler than others because he knows the key to his weakness. And because of that he said to us, as his ummah, in the narration of Al-Bukhari, Muslim, and At-Tirmidhi, "The woman was created from the rib, and the most crooked part is on it. If you straighten it too hard you will break it. And if you let it, it will stay bent. So, treat it carefully.”

Therefore, he never shouted at women. Because that will only break it. Nor did he spoil her too much. Because this will only make it easier. Like the story of the revelation of the letter Al-Ahzab verses 28 and 29. When his wives asked for additional income, and succeeded in making him restless and angry. But still no angry words were spilled. There is no impact. Not even a shout.

Or like the story of Fatimah who came to him asking for a housemaid. Even though it was his beloved daughter who was present, there was still no excessive pampering. He didn't grant his wish. And he didn't give her what she wanted. Instead, he offers what is better than what is asked for, even better than the world and everything in it. So he advised us to do tasbih, tahmid, and takbir thirty-three times before going to bed instead.

So it was truly beautiful when his friends flocked to follow every line in his footsteps. Like the story of Al-Faruq, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, who was on the pulpit and criticized the high dowry demanded by women. Then one of them stood up and interrupted with a firm voice. "Do you want to limit something that Allah Himself has never limited in His holy book?" that's what he said.
So the audience was shocked beyond belief. It turns out there is a woman like that. 'Umar was no less surprised. However, he still has to give love, like his gentle role model. So there's no shouting. It doesn't hurt either. And neither are the basic cuss words of dissident women. So 'Umar answered her with great tenderness, "You are right, my sister. I was the one who was wrong!”

Subhanallah . Truly nobility of mind wrapped in a clear conscience. So harmony is born, intimacy is realized, and loyalty and sacrifice are integrated. Islam is indeed beautiful.
However, there is still another side that must be looked at. There are other potentials that must be watched out for. So that it doesn't end tragically like previous communities. Like the story of the children of Israel who were unable to watch out for it. So seventy thousand of their troops were destroyed in an instant. So the bearer of the last treatise immediately warned our women, using the language of great love for his people.

"This world," he said during his sermon, "is truly beautiful and enchanting to the eye. And Allah entrusted his prosperity to you; because He wants to test how your deeds are. Therefore, beware of the world, and beware of women.”

"Because," he continued in the history of Imam Muslim, "the first disaster that befell the Children of Israel was because of women." "So," he concluded in the history of Imam An-Nasa'i, "There is no more dangerous disaster after my death than women."

Beautiful indeed. Two poles that are far from each other are combined in one embroidery. He who was warned and watched out for turned out to be so loved. So he is not limited by his human rights. And he doesn't give up on his freedom. He is guarded but still respected. Also worked while continuously supervised.

So look at the concrete form in a series of amazing stories. In the great example of the lives of the noble Salaf. At the amazement of their high morals, at the personal beauty that is watered from the holy spring, at the tenderness that shines from the lamp that illuminates, the Prophet who is so praised. So there is no scrutiny on behalf of women. There are no restrictions on his rights as a human being. There is no desecration of human nature. What's more, it's an injustice to her purity. He is completely guarded, but still respected. Truly beautiful, as beautiful as the greatness of the Prophet's morals which so amazed the universe. Subhan Allah. Then us?

Really, it's far away from the fire. Yes, we as a people can only reflect while introspecting ourselves: on our words, on our behavior, on the clarity of our hearts, and on the ignorance of our souls; are we worthy to be his people? Then we examine the meaning contained in it; Is it appropriate for us, who vow here and there to be the most nunnah, to truly become his followers? Each of us, you and I, certainly know the exact answer. Because, each of us knows best who we really are.

So, let us complete the meaning, while continuing to dive into the sea of ​​knowledge, to that great and beautiful example. Then there we learn from their solemn life experiences. Then, we make it a principle of meaningfulness in every step we take towards glory. After that, we use these steps as a reference balance for our footprints on the path of change.

Medina, 22 April 2015

Author: Ust. Abu Hasan Ridho Abdillah, BA., MA.

Article Muslim.Or.Id

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