
Rabu, 25 Oktober 2023

Come on, read, here are tips for teaching children to pray

BECAUSE prayer is an obligation for Muslims, it is therefore necessary for parents to teach it in order to familiarize their children, so that in the future they will be able to carry it out well and correctly. The following are ways or tips for teaching children to get used to praying.

1. Example: Provide an example by inviting children to perform congregational prayers at home. A good example brings a positive impression to the child's soul. The people most followed by children and who have the strongest influence on children's souls are their parents.

Therefore, the Messenger of Allah ordered parents to be good role models for their children. In the early stages, examples that children can emulate are prayer movements. At the next stage, the example that parents can give is reading prayers in a voice that can be heard by the child.

So that children not only get the stimulation of prayer movements but also the reading of prayers. Childhood is a time of imitation and extraordinary memory. Parents must use this opportunity well, if they don't want to regret losing their child's golden age.

2. Train over and over again
Practicing prayer movements and reading in young children should be done repeatedly. The more often young children receive stimulation about prayer movements, especially when accompanied by instructions about the correct movements repeatedly, the more young children will be able to do it.

Likewise with reading prayers. The more often the child hears it, the faster the child will memorize the prayer reading. Even though the main role models are the father and mother, it is hoped that other adults who live with the child can also be role models for the child.

So that when the father is not at home and the mother is unable to provide an example, the training can still take place by other adults who live with the child.

3. Comfortable and safe atmosphere.
Providing an atmosphere for learning to pray that provides a sense of security and fun for children in receiving the entire prayer education process which is carried out when children at an early age follow their parents' movements in prayer, in the early stages it can sometimes interfere with the solemnity of the parents' prayers

Parents must be able to understand that children's actions in imitating their parents' movements is a learning process, so that even if children can disrupt the solemnity of their parents' prayers, children should not be scolded or prohibited from being close to their parents during prayer.

We teach children how to pray correctly after the prayer process takes place. In the advanced stage, children can not only imitate prayer movements, but also have pride in using Islamic symbols both in speech and behavior in prayer and so on.

4. Do not force Do not use force in training young children to pray.
The development of children's ability to perform prayer movements is the result of the maturation of the learning process provided.

Experience and training will have an influence on children if the basic skills or abilities provided have reached maturity. Then, with this ability, children can reach a new level of ability, namely being able to perform prayer movements even if they are not in sequence.

5. Don't compare. Physically, the older a child gets, the more capable they are of carrying out motor movements from simple to complex. However, it is important to pay attention to the uniqueness of each child.

It could be that the stages of development of motor movements between the first child are faster than the second child. Therefore, it is important for parents to pay attention to one's development, and not compare them with their older siblings or other children of the same age.[aldi/anakkreatif]

Ref: islampos.com

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