Inventor of the Number 0 , Read This
MUHAMMAD BIN MUSA AL-KHAWARIZMI: The Inventor of Number 0 (Zero)Mystery Numbers 0 (zero) Numbers 0 Numbers 1-9
Hundreds of years ago, humans only recognized 9 number symbols, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Then came the number 0, so that the number of number symbols became 10. It is not known who created the number 0, historical evidence only shows that the number 0 was first discovered in ancient Egypt. Zero was just a symbol at that time. In modern times, the number zero is used not only as a symbol, but also as a number participating in mathematical operations. Now, the use of the number zero has penetrated deep into the joints of human life. It is no longer possible for a counting system to ignore the presence of the number zero, even if that number creates a logical mess. Let's see.
Zero, the cause of the computer crashes
Lessons about the number zero, from ancient times until now have always caused confusion for students and students, even the user community. Why? Doesn't the zero represent something that doesn't exist and that doesn't exist, namely zero? Who is not confused? Every time the number zero appears in Math class, there is always a strange idea. Like the idea that if something exists multiplied by 0 it doesn't exist. Could 5*0 be non-existent? (* is multiplication). This idea makes people frustrated. Is zero a magician?
Even worse-of course it adds to the confusion-why 5+0=5 and 5*0=5 too? That's the rule, because zero in multiplication is the same identity number as 1. So 5*0=5*1. However, it is also true that 5*0=0. Wow. What about 5o=1, but 50o=1 too? Alright. Another rule about zero that is also mysterious is that a number divided by zero is undefined. That is, any number that is not divisible by zero. Any sophisticated computer would die suddenly if it suddenly encountered a zero divisor. The computer is ordered to stop thinking if it meets the divisor zero.
Zero: homeless
Numbers are arranged hierarchically according to a straight line. At the starting point is the number zero, then the numbers 1, 2, and so on. Larger numbers are on the right and smaller numbers are on the left. The farther to the right the larger the number. Based on the degree of hierarchy (and number bureaucracy), if someone walks from point 0 continuously towards a larger number to the right, they will arrive at an infinite number. However, it's also possible that the person has arrived at point 0 again. Isn't the world round? Is it possible? Didn't Columbus say that if he kept sailing he would get back to Europe?
Another. If one starts from zero, it is impossible for one to get to number 4 without first going through numbers 1, 2, and 3. However, what is even stranger is the question of whether it is possible for someone to start from zero? Obviously you can't, because isn't zero point something that doesn't exist? Weird and hard to believe? Let's look further.
If between two numbers or between two points there is a segment. Each number has a side. If this segment is cut into pieces then the point of the black circle is moved to the middle of the segment, it turns out that the number 0 does not have a segment. So, zero is in the clouds. Number zero has no place to live or is homeless. That is why the number zero must be attached to other numbers, for example, the number 1 forms the numbers 10, 100, 109, 10,403 and so on. So, one can never go from zero to number 4. We have to start from number 1.
Easy, but wrong
The teacher asks Ani to draw a geometric line from the equation 3x+7y = 25. Ani thinks that to get the line two points are needed from end to end. However, after doing some calculations, it turns out that there is only one point that the line passes through, namely point A(6, 1), for x=6 and y=1. So that Ani could not make that line. The teacher reminded us to use zero. Yes, that's the way out. First, giving y=0 we get x=(25-0)/3=8 (rounded up), which is the first point, B(8,0). Then give x=0 to get y=(25-3.0)/7=4 (rounded up), is the second point C(0,4). Line BC, is the line to be searched for. However, how disappointed the teacher was, because the line did not go through point A. So, line BC was wrong.
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Ani defended herself that the mistake was very small and could be ignored. The teacher stated that it was not a small amount of error, but which one was correct? Can't the line BC be made through point A? Teacher said, use zero in the right way. How should we help Ani draw that correct line? Easy, said the Mathematics consultant. Initially, the value 25 in 3x+7y must be replaced by the product of 3 and 7 to obtain 3x+7y=21.
Next, in the new equation, giving y=0 we get x=21/3=7 (without rounding) that is the first point P(6,1). Then give the value x=0 to get y=21/7 = 3 (without rounding), that is the second point Q(0, 3). The PQ line is a line that is parallel to the line you are looking for, namely 3x+7y=25. Through point A draw a line parallel to PQ to get line P1Q1. Well, there you have it. The student has found the correct line with the help of zeros.
However, the teacher is still very disappointed because there is actually no single correct line. Isn't there only one solution point in the 3×1+7×2=25 equation, namely point A, which means that the 3×1+7×2 equation only takes the form of a point? Even in the equation 3×1+7×2=21 there is no point on the line PQ. Therefore, the line PQ in the integer system, does not actually exist. It's weird, the number zero has been deceiving us. That's the reality, an equation is not always in the form of a line.
Moving, but still
Numbers do not only consist of integers, but also decimal numbers, including 0.1; 0.01; 0.001; and so on as hard as we can call it until it's as small as it is. Because it is very small, it can no longer be called or infinity and in the end it is considered just zero. However, this idea turned out to be confusing because if an infinitely small number is considered zero, does that mean that zero is the smallest number? Whereas, zero represents something that doesn't exist? Wow. That's how it is.
Based on the concept of decimal and continuous numbers, the number line that we use is not that simple because between two numbers there is always a third number. If someone jumps from number 1 to number 2, but with the condition that he must first jump to the nearest decimal number, can he? What is the nearest decimal numbers before getting to number 2? It could be the number 1/2. However, you cannot jump to 1/2 because there is still a smaller number, namely 1/4. So there are always numbers that are closer… namely 0.1 and then there are 0.01, 0.001, …, 0.000001. and so on, so that in the end the number that is closest to the number 1 is a number that is so small that it is considered zero. Because the closest number is zero alias does not exist,
This is the Inventor of the Number 0 (zero). Al-Khwarizmi
The Western world may claim that they are a source of knowledge. But actually, what is the repository of knowledge is the Middle East region (that is, the Arab region, not East Java-Central Java). Mesopotamia, the world's oldest civilization existed in this region as well.
The world community is very familiar with Leonardo Fibonacci as an algebraic mathematician . However, behind Leonardo Fibonacci 's mastery as an algebraic mathematician , it turns out that the results of his thinking were greatly influenced by a Muslim scientist named Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi . He is a character who was born in Khiva (Iraq) in 780 AD. If the educated know European mathematicians more, then the common people also know Muslim scientists who are the references of these mathematicians.
In addition to being an expert in mathematics, al-Khawarizmi, who later settled in Qutrubulli (west of Baghdad), was also an expert in geography , history and music . His works in the field of mathematics are written in Kitabul Jama wat Tafriq and Hisab al-Jabar wal Muqabla . This is the reference of European scientists including Leonardo Fibonacce and Jacob Florence .
It was Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi who discovered the number 0 (zero) which is still used today . What happens if the number 0 (zero) is not found? In addition, he also contributed to the science of angle measurement through the sine and tangent functions , linear and quadratic equations and integration calculations ( integral calculus ). The angle measuring table ( Sine and Tangent Table ) is the reference for the current angle measuring table.
Al-Khwarizmi was also a geographer . His work Kitab Surat Al-Ard describes in detail the parts of the earth. CA Nallino , translator of al-Khwarizmi 's works into Latin, emphasized that no European could produce works like al-Khwarizmi's.
Note : illustration images obtained from various sources on the internet. Yusmichad Yusdja , Research Staff at the Center for Research and Development of Social and Agricultural Economics of IPB Source: