
Kamis, 23 Maret 2023


BY :



I. Buya Hamka's History and Thoughts About Islamic Education
A. History of Buya Hamka
Buya Hamka was born in Maninjau, West Sumatra on February 16, 1908. Haji Abdul Karim Amarullah (Hamka) was the first leader of the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council).
Since he was young he has been active in the Muhammadiyah organization, and is an influential figure in the Muhammadiyah organization. [1]
He lived and grew in the structure of the Minangkabau society that adheres to the matrilineal system. He received religious principles from his father. By his father he was taken to Padang Panjang to get an education there. The implementation of education in Padang Panjang is still traditional, the material given is oriented towards the study of classic books, such as; nahwu, sharaf, mantiq, bayan, fiqh (Thawalib Parabek).
While in Yogyakarta, he also studied with Ki Bagus Hadikusumo ( interpreter ), RM Suryo Pranoto ( Sociology ). He developed a lot of ideas so that thoughts about Islam as a static thing were formed with Islam as a dynamic thing like those living in Yogyakarta.

B. Buya Hamka's thoughts on Islamic education
1. The Urgency of Education for Humans
According to Buya Hamka, the cause of the decline of Muslims in Indonesia is largely due to traditional education. Besides that, the education that was taught was only in the form of knowledge inherited from the infidel (Dutch Colonial).
Every human being has a dynamic nature (potential), human nature basically leads to always do good and to serve the Creator. According to him, education is very important for humans to lead to a better direction, so that the nature that has been given by the Creator is not neglected or separated from the values ​​of virtue.
2. Terminology of Islamic Education
Buya Hamka distinguished the meaning of education and teaching , according to him education is a series of efforts made by educators to shape the character, character, character, and personality of students, so that they can distinguish between what is good and what is bad. While teaching is an attempt to fill intellectual learners with a number of knowledge. [2]
Buya Hamka also believes that: "based on human reason can create a good civilization", this phenomenon can be seen from the history of humans on earth. Besides that, the function of education is not only as a process of intellectual and personality development of students, but also as a process of socializing students with the environment in which they are located.
3. Duties and Responsibilities of Educators
According to him, the duties and responsibilities of an educator are to monitor, prepare and deliver students to have broad knowledge, have noble character, and be beneficial to people's lives. To carry out this there are 3 institutions in charge and responsible:
a. Informal Education Institutions (Family)
b. Formal Education Institutions (Schools)
c. Non-Formal Education Institutions (Society)

II. History and Thoughts of Muhammad Natsir About Islamic Education
A. Life History of Muhammad Natsir
Muhammad Natsir was born in Alahan Panjang, Solok Regency, West Sumatra, on July 17, 1908 A.D. His mother's name was Khadijah, his father's name was Muhammad Idris Sutan Saripado. His education started from HIS (Holandsch Inlandshe School), and learned to read the Qur'an at night. In 1927 he attended school at AMS (Algemene Middlebare School), Bandung. During his time in Bandung, he deepened and studied religious sciences and learned from A Hasan. [3]
B. Muhammad Natsir's thoughts on Islamic education
Muhammad Natsir spoke about the Education component;
1. Role and function of Education
a. Education must act as a means to lead and guide so that humans who are subject to educational goals can achieve perfect spiritual growth and development
b. Education must be directed to form students who have human qualities by achieving good morals
c. Education must act as a means to produce honest and righteous human beings
d. Education plays a role in bringing people to achieve life goals
2. Educational Objectives
“Realizing Islamic identity, which in essence is to produce humans who behave in Islam, namely people who believe in and fear Allah SWT as an absolute source of power that must be obeyed.
3. Basic Education
According to M. Natsir, the foundation of Islamic education is monotheism
4. Ideology and Approach in Islamic Education
He outlined the ideology of Islamic education should be a starting point, and oriented towards monotheism. As concluded in Syahadatain. [4]
5. Foreign Language Function
He is of the opinion that foreign languages ​​play a very important role in supporting the progress and intelligence of the nation

III. History and Thoughts of Mahmud Yunus About Islamic Education
A. Curriculum Vitae
He was born on February 10, 1899 in Batusangkar, West Sumatra. Since childhood he has had a tendency towards religious knowledge. When he was 7 years old he studied Al-Qur'an under the guidance of his grandfather M. Thahir (Tuangku Gadang). After completing the education he replaced his grandfather to become a teacher. 2 years later he continued his education at the Village School and then continued on to the Madrasah School. In 1923 he performed the pilgrimage, and studied in Egypt at Al-Azhar (1924), and Dar El Ulum Ulya (Cairo) until 1930.
In the political field he also took part in defending the independence of the Republic of Indonesia and he was elected as a presidential adviser representing the High Islamic Council.
B. Mahmud Yunus's thoughts on Islamic education
1. Curriculum
In the field of curriculum, he offers an integrated Arabic language teaching curriculum between one branch and another in Arabic which is integrated by applying it in daily life.
2. Institutional
He was one of the pioneers to change the education system from an individual pattern to a classical education system
3. Teaching Methods
He has great concern about this. He gave a handbook for religious teachers which contains the best way to teach religion to students according to their age and level of education. He also wrote a book entitled "Special Methods of Religious Education"


According to Buya Hamka, the cause of the decline of Muslims in Indonesia is largely due to traditional education. Besides that, the education that was taught was only in the form of knowledge inherited from the infidel (Dutch Colonial).
Buya Hamka distinguished the meaning of education and teaching , according to him education is a series of efforts made by educators to shape the character, character, character, and personality of students, so that they can distinguish between what is good and what is bad. While teaching is an attempt to fill intellectual learners with a number of knowledge.
Buya Hamka also believes that: "based on human reason can create a good civilization".
Muhammad Natsir spoke about the Education component;
1. Role and function of Education
2. Educational Objectives
3. Basic Education
4. Ideology and Approach in Islamic Education
5. Foreign Language Function

Mahmud Yunus's Thoughts on Islamic Education
1. Curriculum
2. Institutional
3. Teaching Methods


Muslim, Ramdani. 2005. 72 Indonesian Muslim Figures . Jakarta : God's Blessing
Nata, Abdul. 2005. Figures of Islamic Education in Indonesia . Jakarta: PT. Grafindo Persada

[1] Ramdani Muslim,72 Indonesian Muslim leaders(Jakarta; Restu Divine. 2005). Matter. 64
[2] Ibid. Matter. 265
[3] Abuddin Nata. Leaders of Islamic Education in Indonesia(Jakarta: PT. Grafindo Persada. 2005). Matter. 72
[4] Ibid. Matter. 87

source: ade

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