
Jumat, 24 November 2023

Ahli Hadits Sa’id bin Jubair

His full name is Sa'id bin Jubair al-Asadi al-Kufi, who has the nickname "Abu Abdillah", He is an expert in jurisprudence, a fluent reader of the Qur'an and an expert in worship.

Sufyan ats-Tsauri prioritized it over Ibrahim an-Nakha'I, he said: "Take the interpretation from four people, namely from Sa'id bin Jubair, Mujahid, Ikrimah and adl-Dlahhak."

Ibnu Jubair once wrote for Abdullah bin Utbah bin Mas'ud when Abdullah was Qodli in Kuffah. After that he wrote to Abi Burdah bin Abi Musa.

Sa'id bin Jubair narrated from Abdullah bi az-Zubair, Anas bin Malik, Abu Sa'id al Qudri, from them these hadiths are Musnad. However, he did not hear directly from Abu Hurairah, Abu Musa al-Asy'ari, Ali, Sayiidah Aisyah. So all the history from them is Mursal.

Regarding this, Yahya bin Sa'id said: "I like the Mursal Sa'id hadiths more than the Mursal Atha' hadiths." Those who narrated the hadith from Sa'id bin Jubair include: al-Amasi, Mansyur bin al-Mu'tamir, Ya'la bin Hakim, ats-Tsaqafi, and Simak bin Harb.

Maimun bin Mahran said: "Sa'id bin Jubair died, when people needed his knowledge"

He died in the year 95 H in Kuffah.

Disalin dari Biografi Sa’id bi Jubair dalam Thabaqat Ibn Sa’ad 6/178, Tahdzib at Tahdzib Ibn Hajar 4/11

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