
Jumat, 24 November 2023

His real name is Abu Muhammad Urwah bin Zubair bin al-Awwam al-Quraisy.

He was one of the great tabi'in and a very good memorizer of hadith.

He received hadith from his own father az-Zubair, from his brother Abdullah from his mother 'Asma bint Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq, from his mother's sister Aisyah, from Said bin Zaid Hakim bin Hizam, from Abu Hurairah and from others.

The hadith was narrated by Atha', Ibnu Abimulaikah, Abu Salamahbin Abdurahman, az-Zuhry, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, and their five children, namely Hisyam, Muhammad, Yahya, Abdullah and Uthman.

He was known as someone who was tsiqah and strong in his memorization, Ibnu Syihab az-Zuhry said, "By Allah, we only study 1 tribe of hadith out of 2000 tribes of hadith."

Meanwhile, Muhammad bin Sa'ad said, "There are three people who know Aisyah's hadith best, namely: al-Qasim, 'Urwah and 'Amrah."

He died in 94 H

Copied from the Biography of 'Urwah bin Zubair in Tarikh al-khulafa, Tahdzibul Asma An-Nawawi, Tahdzib at Tahdzib Ibn Hajar asqalani.

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