
Rabu, 11 Januari 2023

Relations between units of time, between units of length, and between units of weight

1. Unit of Time

a. Relationship Day, Week, Month, and Year

The names of the days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So, there are 7 days in a week.

Take a look at the relationship between the following units of time!

  1 week = 7 days

1 month = there are 28 or 29 days, 30 days, and 31 days

1 year = 12 months

1 year = 365 days

1 century = 100 years

1 tiger = 8 years

1 decade = 10 years

1 semester = 6 months or ½ year

b. Relationship Day, Hour, Minute and Second/Second

Following is the relationship between days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

  1 day = 24 hours

1 hour = 60 minutes

1 minute = 60 seconds = 60 seconds

  1 hour = 3,600 seconds


1. 3 hours = .... minutes


  3 hours = 3 × 60 minutes

= 180 minutes

2. 5 hours + 20 minutes = .... minutes


5 hours + 20 minutes = …….minutes

=(5 × 60 minutes) + 20 minutes

= 300 minutes + 20 minutes

= 320 minutes

c. Calculating the Interval Between Two Times

Doni goes to school at 06.20, arrives at school at 06.45. How long is Doni's journey?


  06.20 to 06.45 25 minutes.


  Pak Heru works from 07.00 to 11.45. How long has Pak Heru been working? Answer:

07.00-11.00 = 4 hours

  11.00 -11.45 = 45 minutes + 4 hours 45 minutes

So, Pak Heru worked for 4 hours and 45 minutes.

2. Unit of Length

In everyday life, we often use the unit of length. For example, measure the length of a classroom, the height of a child, the height of a tree, and the distance between two cities.


  Father's rope is 9 meters long.

Arman's height is 160 centimeters.

Pine tree height 20 meters.

The distance between cities A and B is 40 kilometers. Meters (m), centimeters (cm), and kilometers (km) are called units of length.

To find out the relationship between one length unit and another, let's pay attention to the following length unit ladder. km

Each down hm one level multiplied by 10.

kilometers = kilometers

hm = hectometer

dam = decameter

  m = meters

  dm = decimeters

  cm = centimeters

  mm = millimeter cm mm

3. Unit of Weight

  Have you ever shopped for daily necessities, such as rice, sugar, milk and salt?

For example, Ani bought: rice : 5 kg

  granulated sugar: 2 kg

brown sugar: 1 oz

chicken meat: 2 kg

  kilograms (kg), ounces, grams (g) are called units of weight.

To find out the relationship between one unit of weight and another, let's pay attention to the following unit of weight ladder. kg

  Every time you go down, multiply by 10.

  kgs = kilograms

hg = hectogram

  dag = dekagram

  g = grams

dg = decigrams

cg = centigrams mg mg = milligrams

4. Quantity Unit

The unit of quantity expresses the size of many objects. In everyday life, you often use dozens, kodi, rim, gross, and so on.

1 dozen = 12 pieces

1 score = 20 pieces (usually used for cloth/clothing units)

1 gross = 12 dozens

1 gross = 144 pieces

1 ream = 500 sheets (usually used for paper units) 

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