
Rabu, 15 November 2023

Abdullah bin Abbas Radhiyallahu 'anhu: Leading Hadith Expert.

Abdullah bin Abbas was the fifth friend who narrated many hadiths after Sayyidah Aisyah, he narrated 1,660 hadiths.

He is the son of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hasyim, the Prophet's uncle and his mother is Ummul Fadl Lababah bint Harits, the sister of the believing Ummul Maimunah.

This friend who has a very prominent position is nicknamed the Muslim Informant. He is the origin of the genealogy of the Daulat Abbasiah caliph. He was born in Mecca and grew up at the time of the emergence of Islam, where he continued to accompany the Prophet until he had many authentic hadiths from the Prophet. He joined the ranks of Ali bin Abi Talib in the war of Jamal and the war of Shiffin. He is an expert in jurisprudence, Arabic genetics, war and history. At the end of his life he experienced blindness, so he lived in Taif until the end of his life.

Abdullah was born three years before the hijrah and the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wassalam prayed for him "O Allah, give him understanding in the field of religion and give him knowledge of takwil (interpretation)". Allah answered the Prophet's prayer and Ibn Abbas later became famous for his extensive knowledge and knowledge of fiqh profound, making him the person sought for important fatwas after Abdullah bin Mas'ud, for approximately thirty years.

About Ibn Abbas, Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin Utbah said: "I have never seen anyone who understands better than Ibn Abbas the science of the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi Wassalam and the decisions made by Abubakar, Umar, and Uthman."

Likewise regarding the sciences of fiqh, tafsir, Arabic, poetry, arithmetic and fara'id. One day people saw him sitting discussing the science of jurisprudence, one day for tafsir, another day for war issues, one day for poetry and discussing Arabic. I have never seen a pious person sitting listening to his conversation so specifically except to him. And every question people ask him, there will be an answer."

According to An-Nasa'I, the chain of hadith of Ibnu Abbas is the most authentic one narrated by az-Zuhri, from Ubaidullah bin Abdullah bin 'Utba, from Ibnu Abbas. While the most Dlaif is the one narrated by Muhammad bin Marwan as-Suddi Ash-Shaghir and Al-Kalabi, from Abi Salih. This chain is called silsilah Al-Kadzib (lineage of lies).

Ibnu Abbas followed the Battle of Hunain, Taif, the Conquest of Makkah and Hajj wada'. He witnessed the conquest of Africa with Ibn Abu as-Sarah. Jamal War and Shiffin War with Ali bin Abi Talib. He died in Taif in the year 68 AH. Ibnu al-Hanafiyah joined in praying for him.

Copied from: Biography of Ibn Abbas in Al-Ishabah no.4772

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