
Rabu, 15 November 2023

This is Uthman bin 'Affan Radhiyallahu 'anhu: His Life History and Merits

His full name is 'Uthman bin Affan bin Abi Ash bin Umayah bin Abdi Syams bin Abdi Manaf al Umawy al Qurasy, during the Jahiliyah period he was called Abu 'Amr and during the Islamic period his nickname (kunyah) was Abu 'Abdillah. And he was also nicknamed "Dzunnuraini", because he married two daughters of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam, namely Ruqayah and Umm Kalthum. His mother's name was Arwa' bin Kuraiz bin Rabi'ah bin Habib bin 'Abdi Shams, who later embraced good and firm Islam.
The priority
Imam Muslim has narrated from 'Aishah, while saying, "One day the Messenger of Allah was sitting with his thigh open, so Abu Bakr asked him for permission to cover it and he allowed it, so his thigh remained in its original state (open). Then Umar asked for permission to cover it and he allowed it, so his thigh remained in its original state (open), when Uthman asked permission from him, then he took off his clothes (to cover the open thigh). When they had left, I (Aishah) asked, "O Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr and Umar asked you for permission to cover them and you allowed them both, but you remained in your original state (leaving your thighs open), whereas when Uthman asked you for permission , then you take off your clothes (used to cover him). Then the Messenger of God replied, "Oh Aishah, How can I not feel ashamed of someone whom only angels feel ashamed of".
Ibn 'Asakir and others explain in the book "Fadhail ash Shahabah" that Ali bin Abi Talib was asked about Uthman, so he answered, "Uthman was a man who had an honorable position who was called Dzunnuraini, where the Messenger of Allah married him to his second wife.
His life journey
His life journey that will never be forgotten in the history of the Islamic community is that he recorded the Al-Quran in one reading version and made several copies which were sent to several Islamic countries. As well as ordering Muslims to adhere to it and destroy any mushaf that is deemed to conflict with this copy. With the permission of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, through his actions, Muslims can maintain the authenticity of the Qur'an to this day. May Allah reward him with the best reward.
Narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in his book Musnad from Yunus that when al Hasan was asked about people who rest at noon in the mosque?. so he replied, "I saw Uthman bin Affan resting in the mosque, even though he was the Caliph, and when he stood up we saw a pebble mark on his side, so we said, "This is the amirul mukminin, this is the amirul mukminin.."
It was narrated by Abu Na'im in his book "Hulyah al Auliyah" from Ibn Sirin that when Uthman was killed, his wife said, "They had the heart to kill him, even though they had lit up the whole night with the Koran."
Ibn Abi Hatim has narrated from Abdullah bin Umar, as he said the word of Allah."
He who is obedient during the night, prostrating and standing, warning of the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord. Say: Are those who know equal to those who do not know? ۗ Only those of understanding remember.
"(Are you, O polytheist, more fortunate) or is he the one who worships at night by prostrating and standing, while he is afraid of (the punishment of) the afterlife and hopes for the mercy of his Lord? Say: "Are there the same people who know as people who don't know?" Indeed, it is the intelligent person who can receive lessons." (Qs Az-Zumar 39:9)
what is meant is Uthman bin Affan. His death
He died in the year 35 AH in the middle of Tasyriq on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, at the age of more than 80 years, killed by the rebels (Khawarij).
Summarized from the biography of Uthman bin Affan in the book Al 'ilmu wa al Ulama by Abu Bakar al Jazairy. Publisher Daar al Politik as Salafiyyah. Cairo. written on the 5th of Rab'ul Awal in Medina al Nabawiyah.

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