Let's Read, This is the Meaning of Fiqh, Aqidah, Tawhid, Tajwid
Complete understanding of Fiqh, Aqidah, Tauhid, Tajwid and Morals
The science of fiqh is the science of knowing God's laws relating to all the practices of themukallaf, whether obligatory, sunnah, permissible, makruh or haram, which are extracted from clear propositions (tafshili).
The product of jurisprudence is "fiqh". Meanwhile, the rules of istinbath (extracting) law from its source are studied in the science of "Ushul Fiqh".
Knowledge of Aqidah
The science of Aqidah is a science that teaches humans about certain beliefs that every human being must have.
Moral knowledge
Moral science is the science that teaches people to be able to behave, have good character, behavior and habits.
Knowledge of Worship
The science of worship is a continuation of the science of ethics where everything discusses our behavior and ways to worship God (our creator) in accordance with the Aqidah we believe in.
Knowledge of Tajweed
The science of Tajwid is the science that discusses the procedure and how we read the Quran (Spelling etc.) well and correctly in accordance with the Sunnah of the Messenger of God.
Knowledge of Tawheed
The science of Tauhid is the science that studies and discusses issues related to faith, especially those concerning the issue of the Almighty God.
The law of learning the science of monotheism is fardhu 'ain for every Muslim man and woman until he truly has the confidence and satisfaction of his heart and mind that he is above the true religion. While learning more than that is fardhu kifayah, meaning that if someone already knows, the others do not sin. Allah swt said:
So know that there is truly no God (the Righteous) but Allah. (47:19).
Various types of monotheism
Tawheed, is a concept in Islamic belief that states the oneness of God.
Tawheed is divided into 3 types, namely Tawheed Rububiyyah, Uluhiyah and Asma wa Sifat. Practicing monotheism and avoiding polytheism is a consequence of the confession of faith that has been pledged by a Muslim.
Believe that only Allah is the only Lord who owns, plans, creates, organizes, maintains, provides sustenance, benefits, rejects harm and takes care of the entire Universe. As found in Al Quran surat Az Zumar verse 62: "Allah created all things and He preserves all things". This kind of thing is recognized by all people, no one denies it. Those who deny this, such as the atheists, in reality show their disbelief only because of their pride. In fact, deep in their hearts, they admit that this universe does not happen unless someone makes and organizes it. They are just lying to their own hearts. This is as Allah said, "Are they created without anything or are they the ones who create? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? in fact they do not believe (what they say)." (Ath-Thur: 35-36)
However, a person's acknowledgment of Rububiyyah monotheism does not make a person a Muslim because in fact the Quraysh polytheists whom Rasulullah fought with acknowledge and believe in this type of monotheism. As Allah said, "Say: 'Who owns the seven heavens and Who owns the 'Great Throne?' They will answer: 'Belongs to Allah.' Say: 'Then are you not pious?' Say: 'Whose hand is He has power over everything while He protects, but nothing can be protected from Him, if you knew?' They will answer: 'Belongs to Allah.' Say: 'Then from which path are you deceived?'" (Al-Mu 'minun: 86-89).
Believing that only God alone has the right to be worshipped, there is no associate of His. "Allah declares that there is no God (who deserves to be worshipped) other than He who upholds justice. The angels and people of knowledge (also stated this). There is no God (who deserves to be worshiped) but He, the Mighty and the Wise" (Al Imran: 18). Believing in God's uluhiyah is a consequence of believing in His rububiyah. Praise Allah in all kinds of worship that we do. Such as prayer, prayer, vows, slaughter, trust, repentance, hope, love, fear and various other forms of worship. Where we should mean the purpose of all worship is only to Allah alone. This monotheism is the core of the preaching of the apostles and is the monotheism denied by the Quraysh polytheists. This is as Allah said about their words, "Why did he make the worshipers the One Worshiper? Indeed, this is truly a very surprising thing." (Shaad: 5). In this verse, the polytheists of Quraish deny that the purpose of various kinds of worship is only for Allah alone. Because of this disbelief, they were disbelieved by Allah and His Messenger even though they acknowledged that Allah is the only Creator of the universe.
Asma wa Sifat
Believing that God has a name and good qualities (asma'ul husna) that are appropriate to His majesty. Muslims know 99 asma'ul husna which are both names and attributes of God.
There is no Mulkiyah Tauhid
There are three types of Tawhid, as mentioned above and there is no term Tawhid Mulkiyah or Tawhid Hakimiyah because this term is a new term. If what is meant by Hakimiyah is the authority of Allah Azza wa Jalla, then this has already entered into the content of Tauhid Rububiyah. If what is desired by this is the implementation of God's law on the face of the earth, then this has entered into Uluhiyah Monotheism, because that law belongs to God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and we cannot worship except God alone. Look at the word of God in Surat Yusuf verse 40. [Al-Ustadz Yazid bin Abdul Qadir Jawas]
Al-Quran is the Greatest Book of Monotheism
Indeed, the main discussion of the Quran is monotheism. We will not find a single page that does not contain an invitation to believe in God, His messenger, or the last day, angels, the books revealed by God, or the fate imposed on this universe. It can even be said that almost all the verses of the Qur'an that were revealed before the migration (Makkiyyah verses) contain monotheism and those related to monotheism.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the problem of monotheism has been the concern of Muslims since the beginning, just as this problem is the concern of the Al-Quran. In fact, the theme of monotheism is the main theme of their preaching. Muslims since the beginning preached to invite people to the religion of God with wisdom and good lessons. They preach the proofs of the truth of the Islamic faith so that people want to believe in this straight faith.
For a Muslim, faith is everything. When Muslims ignore their true faith - which they must learn through the science of monotheism which is based on strong evidence and arguments - weakness begins to enter the beliefs of most Muslims. Weakness in faith will have an impact on their deeds and productivity. As the damage spreads, it will be easier for people who are hostile to Islam to defeat them. Colonizing their country and humiliating them in their own country.
History proves that early generations of Muslims paid great attention to monotheism so that they were noble and led the world. History also teaches us that when Muslims ignore their faith, they become weak. The weakness of behavior and deeds of Muslims has given infidels the opportunity to colonize the country and homeland of Muslims.
Discussion Area of Tauhid Science
The science of monotheism discusses six things, namely:
1. Faith in Allah, monotheism in Him, and sincere worship only for Him without any form of partner.
2. Faith in the messengers of God, the bearers of divine guidance, knowing the obligatory and certain qualities they have such as honesty and trust, knowing the impossible qualities they have such as lying and treachery, knowing miracles and evidence- evidence of their apostleship, especially the miracles and evidence of the apostleship of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
3. Faith in the books that God revealed to the prophets and messengers as guidance for His servants throughout the long history of mankind.
4. Faith in angels, the tasks they perform, and their relationship with humans in this world and the hereafter.
5. Faith in the last day, whatever Allah has prepared as a reward for believers (heaven) and unbelievers (hell).
6. Faith in the destiny of the All-Wise God who arranges with His destiny everything that exists in this universe.
Allah swt said:
"The Messenger had faith in the Qur'an that was revealed to him from his Lord, so do the believers. All believe in God, His angels, His books, and His messengers." (Al-Baqarah: 285)
Rasulullah saw. asked about faith, he replied,
"Faith is that you justify and believe in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, the last day, and good and bad destiny." (HR. Muslim).