
Jumat, 29 Desember 2023

Ahmad, a student Darul Ilmi Scholar was curious about the number of juzu' that his friend had memorized. Instead of answering the question, the hafidz just said, "[This is] privacy," he said with a smile.

However, Ahmadd's curiosity brought him to a emotional moment, when he received information from his friend that the Hafidz had memorized 30 juz. Tabaarakallah, truly tawadhu, our brother who is only 20 years old (in 2011). I don't know from what age he memorized the Koran.

From this positive emotion and envy, Ahmad learned the lesson that we must learn to see other people as inspiration, not as comparisons, especially as competitors in a negative sense.

According to Thiffal Izzah Ramadhani who told the hafidz's example, the hafidz's younger brother had also memorized the Koran from childhood. Which - thanks to the ease and mercy of Allah Ta'ala - played a big role in leading him to convert to Islam, this most noble religion. Subhanallaah.

"His younger brother, whose name is Syafa, has memorized the Qur'an since he was 6 years old," said the translator.

Allahu akbar, it turns out that the story of a 6 year old child memorizing the Koran was not only found in the time of Imam Syafi'i. The convert finally began to know that one of the standards (not the only one) for a student of knowledge is to see how far he interacts with the Koran.

Very special, isn't it? It turns out that a person can gain strength, stability and ease from Allah Ta'ala in memorizing, especially memorizing the Al-Qur'an. Especially at a young age. Even more so if they are still cute little ones.

From the hafiz's habit of memorizing the Qur'an, we found the following methods which we can apply easily. God willing.

For example, if you memorize a surah in the Koran which consists of 6 verses, just divide the surah into two parts, 3 verses each. The first 3 verses are repeated 20x, the second 3 verses are repeated 20x. When finished, then the 6 verses are combined and repeated 20 times. Continue like this for the next surahs. Here's a picture to make it easier to understand.

formula for memorizing the Qur'an (Photo: DIC)

So how do you increase your memorization the next day?

If you want to add new memorization the next day, then before adding new memorization, you must read the old memorization from the first verse to the last 20 times too. This is so that the memorization is firm and strong in your memory, then you start a new memorization in the same way as you did when memorizing the previous verses.

So how do you repeat the Al-Qur'an (30 juz) after completing the muraja'ah above?

Start repeating the entire Qur'an by repeating 2 juz every day, by repeating it 3 times a day. Thus, you will be able to complete the Qur'an every two weeks. In this way, within one year, God willing, you will be mutqin (firm) in memorizing the Qur'an, and do this method for one year.

What do you do after memorizing the Koran for one year?

After mastering the memorization and repeating it with itqan (solidly) for one year, make the Al-Qur'an your daily wirid until the end of your life, because that is what the Prophet Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam did during his life. He divided the Al-Qur'an into seven parts and every day he repeated each part, so that he completed the Al-Qur'an every 7 days.

Aus bin Huzaifah (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "I asked the companions of Rasulullah how do they divide the Koran to make a daily wirid? They answered, "We grouped them into 3 letters, 5 letters, 7 letters, 9 letters, 11 letters, and wirid mufashal from Surah Qaaf to Khatam (Al-Qur'an)." (HR. Ahmad).

So they divide the wazifa as follows:

First day: read the letter "Al-Fatihah" until the end of the letter "An-Nisa'",

Second day: from the letter "Al-Maidah" ​​to the end of the letter "At-Taubah",

Third day: from the letter "Yunus" to the end of the letter "An-Nahl",

Fourth day: from the letter “Al-Isra'” until the end of the letter "Al-Furqon",

Fifth day: from the letter "Asy Syu'ara" to the end of the letter "Yasin",

The sixth day: from the letter "Ash-Saffatt" to the end of the letter "Al-Hujurat",

The seventh day: from the letter "Qaaff" to the end of the letter "An-Naas".

The scholars abbreviated the Prophet's wirid from the Qur'an into the words, "Fami bisyauqin (فم ي ب شوق)", each of these letters became a symbol of the letter that was used as the Prophet's wirid every day, then:

The letter "fa" is a symbol from the letter "Al-Fatihah", as the beginning of his wirid on the first day,

the letter "mim" symbol from the letter "Al-Maidah", as the beginning of his wirid on the second day,

The letter "ya" is a symbol from the letter "Yunus", as his wirid on the third day,

The letter "ba" is a symbol from the letter "Bani Israel (another name from the letter al Isra)", as his wirid on the fourth day,

The letter "syin" is a symbol from the letter "Asy Syu'ara", as the beginning of his wirid on the fifth day,

The letter "wau" is a symbol from the letter "Wa Shaffat", as the beginning of his wirid on the sixth day,

The letter "qaaf" is a symbol from the letter "Qaaf", as the beginning of his wirid on the seventh day until the end of the letter "An-Naas".

How to distinguish between readings that are mutasyabih (similar) in the Qur'an?

The best way to differentiate between readings that are almost the same (mutasyabih) is to open the mushaf, then compare the two verses and pay attention to the differences between the two. Then, make a sign that can differentiate between the two, and when you memorize them, pay attention to the differences. Repeat it continuously so that you can remember it well and your memorization becomes strong (mutqin).

Good luck memorizing the Qur'an. (fable/arrahmah.com/afdhalilahi.Com)

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